Intense planning, coordination and effort by our all volunteer Roswell Jazz Festival committee along with your support through attendance and financial commitment help make this Festival come to life. One major part of our effort is fundraising, as ticket sales account for only 13% of our budget. Presenting the country's best jazz musicians requires performance fees, airline transportation, hotel rooms (an average of 89 room nights per Festival over the last 5 years), venue fees, sound and light manpower and equipment and local transportation to name only a few.
Our annual Fans of the Festival drive is not only to inform you of our exciting plans but to ask you to help us in this marvelous endeavor of bringing truly World Class Jazz to our area. With that we offer donor levels to fit any budget plus opportunities to sponsor musicians and venues. Join us today in planning for our 15th Annual Roswell Jazz Festival!
Please make your check payable to Roswell Jazz Festival and mail to 400 W. Third, Roswell, NM 88201. Or, you may donate by credit card online at the Ticket/Fundraiser Tab. The Pecos Valley Jazz & Arts Festival, Inc. dba Roswell Jazz Festival is a 501 (c) 3 and your gift is tax deductible.
If you donate at the Quartet level or above, you will be contacted by the RJF organization. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Baker at 254-592-1462.
To see opportunities for sponsoring musicians or venues, see the Sponsor tab here.
Donor Levels